Moundview Memorial Healthcare Foundation
Your donations remain local to help sustain and improve rural medical care and the well-being of the communities we serve.
Who we are
Moundview Memorial Healthcare Foundation was established in 1993 to support Gundersen Moundview Hospital & Clinics and the health and well-being of the communities we serve. We accomplish this by accepting philanthropic gifts, managing funds through short and long-term investments and strategically addressing community needs by:
- Funding new healthcare equipment, services and facility improvements
- Investing in community health and wellness initiatives
- Providing scholarships to residents pursuing a healthcare career
- Investing in future generations through our endowment fund
Dinner and Auction is March 1
Our annual fundraiser is 5 p.m. Saturday, March 1, at Lake Arrowhead Clubhouse, Town of Rome. Enjoy dinner, raffles and live, silent and take-away auctions. For information on sponsorship/donation opportunities or to purchase event tickets, please contact us.
- Email Aaron or call (608) 339-8391
- Email Tammy or call (608) 339-8328

Ways to give
You can make a difference in the lives of others by supporting our foundation. There are many ways to give. All gifts are tax-deductible and remain in the communities we serve to improve local medical care and the well-being of area residents.
Annual donation
Consider making an annual, tax-deductible donation to the foundation. Donations can be made at any time. If you would like to be added to the foundation’s annual mailing list, email Aaron or call (608) 339-8391.
Memorials and honor gifts
Memorials and honor gifts enable you to pay tribute to friends and loved ones. Memorials can be established as a way for others to donate in your loved one’s name. Honor gifts can recognize a special person, event (such as an anniversary, birthday or retirement) or as a thank you to volunteers or medical staff. In recognition of your gift, a letter will be sent to you and the recipient or their family.
Tree of Life

You may choose to publicly acknowledge a memorial or honor gift on the Tree of Life, a brass sculpture located in the hospital’s lobby. An engraving is placed on the tree’s leaves, acorns and stones at the following levels of giving:
- Leaf: $100-$499
- Acorn: $500-$1,999
- Contributor Stone: $2,000-$4,999
- Benefactor Stone: $5,000-$14,999
- Supporter Stone: $15,000-$29,999
- Patron Stone: $30,000-$49,000
- Sponsor Stone: $50,000 plus
Please call us at (608) 339-8391 or (608) 339-8328 to set up a Tree of Life gift.
Planned giving
Planned gifts allow you to donate without impacting your current income or lifestyle and may ease your tax liability. Some examples include:
- A bequest in your will. This can be for a specific cash amount, an asset (such as life insurance or property), a percentage of your estate or a gift from the residue of your estate after providing for your benefactors.
- Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you are age 70½ years or older, you can make a tax-free donation directly from your IRA. This can help you satisfy the annual required minimum distribution and reduce your income taxes.
- Designate the foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets or life insurance policies.
- Gifts of stocks and bonds that can be sent to us directly through your brokerage account. You will receive a charitable income tax credit which is typically equal to or less than the fair market value as determined by IRS guidance. We sell the stock and use the proceeds for our mission.
When considering a planned gift, please consult your financial planner to determine the best way to contribute while also meeting the needs of your family. If you choose to leave a future gift to the foundation, please notify us. We would appreciate an opportunity to express our gratitude.
Designated endowment fund
To help meet the future healthcare needs of our communities, donors may consider establishing a designated endowment fund. Contributions to the fund would be invested for long-term growth. The principle will remain invested as a perpetual fund to provide benefit for years to come. Only the interest and dividends would be used to fund capital projects, equipment or programs. You may designate the types of projects or programs to be funded or request the funds be spent on the area of greatest need. Contributions can be made annually or as a one-time donation.
Dinner and Auction: Held annually the first Saturday in March at Lake Arrowhead Clubhouse, Town of Rome, at 5 p.m. This fundraiser includes dinner, raffles and live, silent and take-away auctions. For information on sponsorship/donation opportunities or to purchase event tickets, contact Aaron at (608) 339-8391 ajbonnet@gundersenhealth.org or Tammy at (608) 339-8328 tklowrey@gundersenhealth.org.
Golf Benefit: Held annually the Monday after Father’s Day. The location rotates at area golf courses. This fundraiser includes 18 holes of golf (scramble format) with cart, lunch and refreshments on the course. There is also a silent auction, raffles, hole prizes, post-event appetizers and awards.
For information on sponsorship/donation opportunities, to purchase tickets or to golf, please contact us.
- Email Aaron or call (608) 339-8391
- Email Tammy or call (608) 339-8328
How to give
From our director

A foundation donor and life-long area resident once told me his motto was to "give back to the community more than he took from it."
In today’s busy world, it can seem hard to live up to that example. But an easy way to give back to the community is through a donation to Moundview Memorial Healthcare Foundation.
Your donation will help support rural healthcare and initiatives that make our communities stronger. This includes new technology and services for the hospital and its clinics in Friendship and Westfield. This also includes removing barriers to patient care and providing support for initiatives that improve the well-being of area residents.
You can feel confident that your donation will be used wisely. Growing up on a farm in Adams County, I know the value of a hard-earned dollar. Our foundation board members are also natives or current area residents who understand the challenges of our communities and rural healthcare.
There are many ways to give.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of others!
Aaron Bonnett, Executive Director
Meet our team
Board of Directors
- Shawn Bula
- Rick Carlson
- Carrie Easterly
- Liz Hendricksen, Chair
- Jason Hohenstein, Treasurer
- Mark McCartney
- Bonnie Nachreiner
- Suzy Nolet
- Frank Perez-Guerra
- Jesse Schable, Secretary
- Kara Wormet
Executive Director
- Aaron Bonnett, Director of Business Operations
Foundation Support Staff
- Tammy Lowrey, Marketing & Community Relations
- Joe Taft, Accounting Manager
Healthcare scholarship opportunities
Moundview Memorial Healthcare Foundation proudly supports local students pursuing degrees in healthcare through a scholarship of up to $1,000. All completed applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. on April 15.
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