Gundersen Lutheran Emergency and Urgent Care
When you have an illness or injury that is serious or life-threatening, call 911 or your local emergency number, or go directly to Gundersen Emergency Services in La Crosse or the nearest emergency department. It can be hard to know if you need emergency care or urgent care. Emergency Services in La Crosse handles both urgent care cases and emergencies/traumas. Specially trained Emergency Services staff will get you to the right level of care.
Hours & address
Emergency Hours
Urgent Care Hours
Phone numbers
Phone: (608) 775-3128

Emergency Services
Emergency Room
Use Emergency for:
- Alcohol or drug intoxication or overdose
- Bone fractures
- Changes in vision or trouble speaking
- Chest pain/heart attack
- Confusion or change in mental status
- Dizziness
- Loss of consciousness/head injuries
- Numbness or weakness on one side/stroke symptoms
- Pregnancy-related problems (bleeding or abdominal pain)
- Severe abdominal pain
- Severe cuts
- Severe headache - sudden onset
- Sexual assault or domestic violence
- Shortness of breath
- Suicide attempt or suicidal thoughts or threats
- Trauma such as a car accident, fall, drowning, violence, fire or sports/recreational injury
Urgent Care
Urgent care is for an illness or injury that is uncomfortable but not life-threatening and does not pose a significant health risk, such as:
- Cuts, scrapes and bruises
- Skin rashes, insect bites and minor burns
- Fever, colds and flu
- Sore/strep throat
- Sinus and upper respiratory infections
- Ear pain/infection
- Sudden back or neck pain
- Strains and sprains
- Urinary burning
Need to be seen today but not urgently?
Check MyChart for Primary Care appointments, as early as same day, and avoid unknown wait times in Urgent Care. You must be a current patient to schedule in MyChart.
Other locations

Gundersen Renal Dialysis Center La Crosse
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Health La Crosse
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Pharmacy – La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Founders Building
710 Denton St.
La Crosse,
WI 54601
Urgent Care is a department of Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center so hospital co-pays may apply. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., all patients who visit Emergency Services in La Crosse-whether they need urgent or emergency care-are charged for an emergency room visit.