Gundersen Founders Building
There is free valet parking. The Founders Building connects to the La Crosse Clinic on the lower level as well as via a Skywalk on the third level.
Clinic hours & address
Patient hours
Phone numbers
Phone: (608) 782-7300

Other locations

Gundersen Pharmacy – East Building
724 Denton St.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Eye Clinic La Crosse
724 Denton St.
East Building, Level 4
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen East Building
724 Denton St.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Pharmacy – La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Lutheran Emergency and Urgent Care
1900 South Ave.
Hospital, Level 1
La Crosse,
WI 54601
Facility charges
All services at the Founders Building are departments of Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center.
Depending upon your health insurance, this hospital-based clinic may charge a separate facility fee, which might result in higher out-of-pocket expense. For more information, please contact Gundersen Customer Financial Services at (608) 775-8660 or (800) 362-9567, ext. 58660, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.