Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Health (Inpatient)
Gundersen Health System's Inpatient Behavioral Health unit in La Crosse is a 30-bed facility that provides mental health services.
Hours & address
Patient hours
Phone numbers
Phone: (608) 775-3523
Toll free: (800) 362-9567 ext. 53523

About this center
The Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit is a 30-bed facility that provides acute mental health services. Patients are supported and protected in a healing environment during their hospitalization. At all times, safety is our primary concern. We encourage patients to keep their daily routines and actively participate in their own care. A team approach provides consistent quality care.
Individualized patient care is designed by the psychiatric team. Patients are encouraged to participate in establishing goals while hospitalized and progress toward those goals is monitored throughout the hospital stay.
While staying at the Inpatient Psychiatry unit, a patient will be cared for by a variety of staff, including:
- Psychiatrists
- Nurses
- Internal Medicine providers
- Social workers
- Occupational & recreational therapists
- Pastoral Care
- Other specialties as needed
If seeking Inpatient Psychiatry, please click here.
Other locations

Gundersen Lutheran Emergency and Urgent Care
1900 South Ave.
Hospital, Level 1
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Renal Dialysis Center La Crosse
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Lutheran Behavioral Health La Crosse
1900 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601

Gundersen Pharmacy – La Crosse Clinic
1836 South Ave.
La Crosse,
WI 54601