Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Fayette Clinic
Nestled in the Driftless Area in northeast Iowa, our Fayette Clinic brings primary healthcare close to home for patients of all ages.
Patient hours
Phone numbers

Same-day clinic appointments
Our team of family practice providers and obstetricians understands the unpredictability of everyday life. That’s why we offer appointments for all ages on the same day you need care. We also offer specialty care in person and via telemedicine for added convenience.
Delivering prenatal care in Fayette
Whether you're starting a family or expanding it, bringing a child into the world is an amazing experience. We'll be with you every step of the way—from expert prenatal care at the Fayette Clinic to labor and delivery at our hospital in West Union.
Facility charges
All services at the Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Fayette Clinic are departments of Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Hospital. Depending on your health insurance, this hospital-based clinic may charge a separate facility fee, which might result in higher out-of-pocket expense. For more information, please contact Gundersen Customer Financial Services Palmer Lutheran area at (563) 422-3811, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Your support stays local
Make a difference in someone’s life by supporting Palmer Memorial Foundation. All donations help Gundersen Palmer Lutheran Hospital and Clinics deliver high-quality healthcare locally.
More from Gundersen Palmer Lutheran

Our skilled providers in Fayette and neighboring communities care for the young to the young at heart.

Patients & Visitors
If you’re visiting our care facilities in Fayette or neighboring communities, we’re here to help.

Join us in delivering love + medicine in our community—and experiencing the difference you can make.
We’re here to answer your questions.