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First, if your workout routine is working for you and you're enjoying it, don't feel the need to change what is working. However, if you are experiencing any of the following, now might be a good time to change things up.

Signs it might be time for a change

You're getting bored

If you have been doing the same workout routine every few days for weeks or months, you've probably experienced boredom. Becoming too accustomed to your workout can make exercising seem like a chore. If you're getting bored working out, you may lose interest entirely and find your time spent exercising decreasing. Prevent workout boredom by introducing a new type of exercise into your routine.

You have stopped seeing changes

Following the same routine over and over seems like the right way to build muscle; after all, repetition is one of the key aspects of muscle development. But if you do the same thing for too long, your improvements will eventually plateau. Your body will eventually become extremely familiar with the same motions. Instead, change things up to keep your muscles challenged. Try a combination of cardio, strength based, stretching and high intensity exercises each week.

You are getting injured more often

If you use the same muscles repeatedly, you run the risk of developing an overuse injury. Your body needs adequate rest to recover from exercise. Prevent overuse injuries by switching up your routine and allowing your body time to recover, heal and strengthen.

You're not feeling challenged

Don't let a familiar routine become a permanent one. Switch it up every couple months or once you start feeling like you've become comfortable with your current one. By keeping your exercise fresh and original, you keep workouts fun and your muscles adequately challenged.

4 ways to mix it up

Focus on different muscle groups

When you exercise the same muscles repeatedly, you're teaching your muscles how to become very familiar with the same routines without challenging them. Also, think about all the muscles you're missing when you only focus on the same ones day in and day out.

Increase weight and up the intensity

Maybe you add five pounds one day and perform 10 reps, and the next time, you drop the weight and do 12 reps. As with strength training, you can keep the changes small in your cardio routine. Try a mix of longer steady state workouts, shorter sprint or hill workouts or speed workouts each week.

Try a new move

Start working in different planes. If you always do squats, try bilateral movements, like lunges. Try swapping bodyweight movements for weighted movements. If you're a runner try sprinkling strength workouts or another form of cardio into your routine. Change is hard, but change is necessary to keep your entire body strong and healthy.

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