Learn & Connect: Memory Loss Education
Learn & Connect: Memory Loss Education
Event Details
Event Description
Learn about the education and resources available for patients with cognitive disorders and memory loss and their care partners. Designed for those with young onset memory loss or newly diagnosed in the early stages, Gundersen offers classes to help connect you to resources and help navigate daily living.
Two support people per patient can attend the programs, which are held in the Neurosciences 3rd Floor conference room in Gundersen's East Building, 724 Denton St. Programs are offered in collaboration with La Crosse County ADRC.
Dementia Diagnosis: What Now?
Take the guess work out of your next step. Join us for this informative class series for patients and care partners. You will learn information for daily living with your diagnosis - including a practical tool to guide you through care planning - and resources for maintaining independence.
Series dates
Fall series
- 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 4
- 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11
- 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 18
- 2-4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 25
For more information about the programs or services available, please call Kelsey or Becky at the La Crosse ADRC at (608) 785-5700 or email adrc@glacrosseounty.org.
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724 Denton St.
La Crosse, WI 54601
United States