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Raising kids is hard. Especially in today’s world. Our Pregnancy & Kids section offers trusted information from experts to help you grow happy, healthy families.

Teen suicide: What parents should know

Teen suicide ranks among the leading causes of death for 10-to-14-year-olds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Studies show there are warning signs in most suicide

How Child Life Services can help your family

Tests, surgeries and other medical procedures can cause anxiety no matter your age. But for kids who process information differently than adults, a blood draw, MRI or hospital room can

Adolescent mental health: Your questions answered

If you have questions about adolescent mental health, you’re not alone. As a parent or caregiver, it can be difficult when your teenager is going through hard times. They may

Adverse Childhood Experiences: What parents can do to build resilience

Can traumatic events experienced in childhood affect your health as an adult? Absolutely, according to the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study conducted in the 1990s.

Help your kids create healthy habits with 5-2-1-0

5-2-1-0 is an easy-to-remember set of guidelines for healthy, active living. The plan spells out four healthy behaviors that children and families should achieve every day.
a collage of halloween non-candy options

10 non-food treats for Halloween

By Halley Molstad, CD, RD, Gundersen Nutrition Therapy Find Healthy Recipes Spoiler alert: toothbrushes are not on the list Many of us have memories of the neighbor who gave out
Young boy with glasses is sleeping on his notebook at his desk. In front of him is a cup of pencils, a stack of notecards, and a clock. In the background you can faintly make out a bookshelf full of books.

8 back-to-school sleep strategies

8 back-to-school sleep strategies The lazy days of summer are dwindling, and a new school year will soon be upon us. One of the best ways to set your children
Adolescent girl sitting on a chair with a cloud hovering over her.

Kids and anxiety: Strategies to try at home

Routines that give children and adolescents a sense of control are very important to their physical and mental health. For many children, losing those routines can result in: Frequent stomachaches
pool water

Misconceptions about drowning every parent and caregiver should know

Water can provide kids with hours of fun in the sun. But, there's a reason for caution: Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death among children ages 1 to
two kids wearing aviator goggles laying on their stomachs on skateboards riding down a hill

Childhood injuries: When to seek medical care

Knowing when to seek medical care for kids can be challenging, especially if there is no obvious trauma. Learn when it's serious enough to be seen and when it's okay

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La Crosse, WI 54601

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